Based on your research, write an essay explaining which philosophers ideas would be most useful today. Provide evidence to back up your claim.

One of the philosophers whose ideas are the most useful today is John Locke. John Locke was born in 1632 during the time of the English Civil War. This war was fought between supporters of the king and supporters of the parliament. He then studied science and medicine at Oxford University. Many of his ideas were passed down from generation to generation and had a major influence in politics. On the other hand, many people would agree that Thomas Hobbes' ideas are the most useful today. Thomas Hobbes was also from England and was known for writing the Leviathan.

John Locke had many ideas that influenced politics leading to today. He stated, "All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions." This quote resembles Thomas Jeffersons "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" who was inspired by Locke's ideas. He believed that the ruler should not have total power, so the people could also have a say. He also presumed that people can have the power to overthrow their leader if they feel that their government is corrupt. 

Other people may believe that Thomas Hobbes was a useful philosopher. He believed that the way people act is because of "human nature." In order to keep an orderly society, all the people have to remain loyal to their leader. If not, their punishment would be death. His ideas were written his book called the Leviathan. The moral of the book is his ideal rule is absolute sovereign. The Leviathan was based on a bible sea creature. He uses the monster to symbolize power to keep an orderly society. 

Based on the belief on both philosophers, John Locke's ideas are the most useful today. His ideas were basically the foundation of the United States. The Declaration of Independence gives us our freedom. On the other hand, I believe that based on Thomas Hobbes' ideas, many people shouldn't fear their leader rather than respect. Today, we have the freedom of religion and speech. This day in age, no one is afraid to be who they are, which is the idea of John Locke. 


  1. “KIDS PHILOSOPHY SLAM -Philosopher of the Week.” 20136thGrade2ndPlace,

  2. “Thomas Hobbes.” Bondi Beach Facts for Kids |,

  3. “John Locke (1634–1704).” SparkNotes, SparkNotes,

  4. “Leviathan.” SparkNotes, SparkNotes,


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