
Showing posts from July, 2018

Books on Thomas Hobbes' Bookshelf

1. Moby Dick by Herman Melville 2. It by Stephen King,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch 3. The Jewish Bible 4. Lord of the Flies by William Golding,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch 5. Dear Leader-My Escape from North Korea by Jang Jin-sung  https://

Songs Related to John Locke

1. The Star Spangled Banner- written by Francis Scott Key 2. What does John Locke say? by MrBettsClass 3. Uncle John's Band by Grateful Dead 4. Living in America by James Brown 5. Freedom by Pharrell Williams

Additional Photos

                                             The Leviathan, based off of Thomas Hobbes The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson  This photo symbolizes Sovereignty 

Based on your research, write an essay explaining which philosophers ideas would be most useful today. Provide evidence to back up your claim.

One of the philosophers whose ideas are the most useful today is John Locke. John Locke was born in 1632 during the time of the English Civil War. This war was fought between supporters of the king and supporters of the parliament. He then studied science and medicine at Oxford University. Many of his ideas were passed down from generation to generation and had a major influence in politics. On the other hand, many people would agree that Thomas Hobbes' ideas are the most useful today. Thomas Hobbes was also from England and was known for writing the Leviathan. John Locke had many ideas that influenced politics leading to today. He stated, "All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions." This quote resembles Thomas Jeffersons "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" who was inspired by Locke's ideas. He believed that the ruler should not have total power, so the people could also

Choose one modern day leader who you believe follows Locke’s philosophy and one modern day leader who follows Hobbes philosophy. Describe what characteristics each leader possesses that leads you to believe he/she follows the specific philosophy. Discuss any historical circumstances surrounding each leader that might have influenced him/her to choose to lead using this particular philosophy.

As President of the United States, Donald Trump follows the ideas of John Locke because each president has follow the ideas of our founding fathers. It has been stated that John Locke has influenced the ideas of Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. Not manny people are fond of Trump but every president leading up to him has followed the ideas written in our constitution. Freedom of speech, religion, and the press are most important in our society today, and it is based off the idea of John Locke. Thomas Hobbe's ideas can be compared to Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea. Hobbes believed that everyone should be loyal to their leader, preferably a king. He thought that everyone should practice the same religion and not have freedom of their own, for it would be an orderly society.  In addition, he believed that anyone not loyal to the king, shall be put to death. Life in North Korea is really similar. For example, if you showed any disrespect or d

Discuss the impact the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution may have had on the development of each man’s philosophy.

The English Civil War was a period of time of political conflicts between Parliamentarians and Royalists. Royalist were people who favored the ruling of King Charles I while Parliamentarians were people who opposed. Since there was times of conflict, both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke felt that they should generate ideas to keep an orderly society. The Glorious Revolution involved the fall of King James II who was then replaced by his Protestant daughter Mary. This period of time addressed the concerns of religion and politics. This impacted the ideas of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes because they wanted to get their ideas across in times when they need it the most.

Examine the critiques that have been provided of both philosophers and write a statement explaining why you agree or disagree with these claims.

Personally, I agree with both ideas of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, but with a certain degree. I believe that we should follow our ruler and obey the laws the leader apposes. John Locke's ideas than influenced Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. As an American, the "freedom of thought, speech, and religion" is something everyone should follow.

Discuss to what extent each philosopher’s religious views influenced their thoughts on government and society.

Thomas Hobbes  Thomas Hobbes began to believe that the church should be controlled by the King. He feared that conflict with religion can lead to a civil war. Thus, he believes that everyone should follow the king or be put to death. John Locke  John Locke, for the most part, agreed with Thomas Hobbes that people's faith should be with the King. However, he believed that everyone should follow their own religion.