Choose one modern day leader who you believe follows Locke’s philosophy and one modern day leader who follows Hobbes philosophy. Describe what characteristics each leader possesses that leads you to believe he/she follows the specific philosophy. Discuss any historical circumstances surrounding each leader that might have influenced him/her to choose to lead using this particular philosophy.

As President of the United States, Donald Trump follows the ideas of John Locke because each president has follow the ideas of our founding fathers. It has been stated that John Locke has influenced the ideas of Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. Not manny people are fond of Trump but every president leading up to him has followed the ideas written in our constitution. Freedom of speech, religion, and the press are most important in our society today, and it is based off the idea of John Locke.
Thomas Hobbe's ideas can be compared to Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea. Hobbes believed that everyone should be loyal to their leader, preferably a king. He thought that everyone should practice the same religion and not have freedom of their own, for it would be an orderly society.  In addition, he believed that anyone not loyal to the king, shall be put to death. Life in North Korea is really similar. For example, if you showed any disrespect or disloyal to Un, you would be put in camps which can lead to death. 


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